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Monday, November 16, 2009

i am, who i am;)

Hey loves it's been a while since I've updated my blog. I apologize for that, I've had a lot on mind and have been so busy. I wanted to share some thoughts, so this won't have any picture's lol.

There's a bigger part of me, that resist the greater heart of me....
It's held by restrictions, and complications, and some would say realizations....
However, the heart of me rejoices. The heart of me has a profound voice....
It compliments my flaws, because it always keep me humble and sane....
My heart needs love like oxygen, to keep it functioning and well maintained...
When looking through my eye's, it would be an instant subscription to art, love, beauty, and God..
When looking through my eye's many things may seem to be distorted or to you, come off some what odd..
When entering my mind, what a land of whimsical fantasy, and man made realities..
What a vast sense of pleasure and stimulation from, little things like the details of an Autumn leaf...
Or the kiss of the wind with my eye's closed knowing that,
"This is God noticing me"....
Or even the way the city is absent of life at night, so I believe that the world is now mine..
And always at these moments I feel like I could breathe as if there aren't any limitations to time..
Wonderland of thoughts, I continually enjoy the rides...
Being a fan of rebellion, goes hand and hand with being scrutinized...
At the end of my day, when ever that may be...
I am, Who I am, and that's most successful to me.

-Ryan b:)

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