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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

"New Look for the New Year"

Blog is under construction and will be re-introduced in the New Year, 2011..Thank you for your patience and support.

Stay Tuned.......

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

"Fashion Rave" Fash Shots:)

Sooooo I decided to go through some of my older images that I took with my digital camera, and I came across some "fashshots". I love the process of creating art, however many images only capture the finish product. I've decided to unlock the backstage volt, here we go!

All hair/makeup done by Ryan B. Anthony

Saturday, July 24, 2010

LaLa and CArmelo Anthony Wedding

Check out thi article on LaLa and CarmeloAnthony's wedding! (tap link above)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I will start by saying, I love the new era of nail artistry. I love all aspects of artistry, HOWEVER, once again we have to consider functionality and in this case hygiene!! My Fashion Rant this time is about how nails have gone too far, for too long, in my opinion. IF your nails are 4 inches or more, this would be considered dangerous in my book. What about my eyes when you point your finger?, or cutting the back of someones neck when waving at a friend?, and please don't have kids if your nails are this long!! Changing diaper's? even holding an infant, I would not recommend this!. It's like buying extensions at a beauty supply store, instead of asking for inches of hair, women are now asking for inches of nail!! I CAN'T!!! This is definitely a Fashion NoNo!!!!!!.

Now this is what I consider tasteful nail artistry. Modern yet classic, sophisticated and elegant. There's nothing wrong with being trendy, and there's nothing wrong with being simple as well. I'm just saying:)

Thursday, April 8, 2010


So I have this itch that I need to scratch, Ladies! some leggings are not leggings, they are PANTYHOSE! Signs to look for; if you see your under garment through your leggings, their not LG's their PH. If you take a picture with a flash, and you see everything, and I mean EVERYTHING! their not LG's, they are PH. If you see the care tag, or labels, their not LG's they are PH. There has to be an awareness of functionality with what you wear, and you also have to embrace your common sense. I know that leggings are super trendy right now however, don't go into to your dresser and grap the first tights you see and think that this is now a FASHION STATEMENT.. This is a fashion No No ! and you will be fined not by me, but by the opinions of the public who you have now exposed yourself too, I'm just saying. (LG's= leggings, PH= pantyhose)

Now this is the correct way to show off your LG's

I just love' em...oh and I love all the ladies in the images above, Rant or Rave your still hott!!


I'm been so moved and motivated to now direct my blog towards my views on different opinions about the beauty and fashion industry. We've all had the moment where we noticed a fashion No No, and didn't say anything because of our human nature not to be rude. I get it, if you don't have anything nice to say, dont say it! However, maybe these people are not aware of what's right and whats not functional, (I dont believe in being wrong, just DIFFERENT) and maybe they need to know the rants & raves of the beauty/ fashion industry. So I'm taking the title of the Fashion Ranter, and I will make it my duty to extend my thoughts and opinions, to motivate and to be active in what we visually see everyday.

Friday, January 15, 2010


Hey loves!!!

so finally my webite is up and running, please feel free to check it out and give me your feedback. It's only up from on the link:)